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Reinventing Happy and a New Normal

by The 100 Companies
Reinventing Happy and a New Normal

2020 was an unusual and unexpected year. Many look back and feel overwhelmed by the loss and struggles that so many had to endure. However, there were plenty of inspiring examples of people coming together to help others. Kindness prevailed, and our community is so much better for it.

The pandemic continues to humble our communities and encourages us to be honest and empathetic about our mental health, a significant step toward ridding the world of the stigma that often deters people from asking for help. If 2020 taught us anything, it is that it is ok not to be ok.

Jewish Family & Children’s Services (JFCS) witnessed significant advancements in telehealth. This trend is here to stay as it has made access to care widely accessible and easier for individuals to receive care.

Physical distancing and limitations on activities meant we had to find new ways to do things. It helped us find joy in the most unexpected places. Many of us developed new hobbies, took up yoga, and learned to meditate. We tackled home improvements and welcomed a new pet into our homes. They were big and small things that went a long way towards making us happy.

What other steps can you take to ‘reinvent’ happiness?

  • Commit to engaging in activities that are meaningful and purposeful.
  • Eliminate unnecessary and unfulfilling activities.
  • Think about what you can control, like eating nourishing meals and getting plenty of sleep.
  • Each night before you go to sleep, take note of what you are grateful for and let your circle of family and friends know.
  • Practice self-care and view this time in your life as an opportunity to do the things you’ve been putting off because you had a busy schedule. Carpe Diem!

We can’t predict the future, but we know that we can develop the tools today to help us face whatever comes our way tomorrow. However, if you face some challenges, please take comfort in knowing that JFCS is here to support you when you need it.

– Dr. Mario Lippy,  Jewish Family & Children’s Service

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