Home Advocacy Bridging the digital divide in Tucson

Bridging the digital divide in Tucson

by The 100 Companies

Since 1998, We Care Tucson has been removing barriers to education, information and wellness by collecting used technology, refurbishing what it can and recycling the rest – all in an effort to create a thriving, sustainable and interconnected community in Southern Arizona.

Want to get involved?

Donate your used desktop or laptop computer during “Recycle Saturdays” – held on the third Saturday of each month from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. – at 3029 N. Stone Ave. in Tucson.

Apply (in English or Spanish) for the nonprofit’s low-cost computer program aimed at helping to bridge the digital divide for families facing economic hardships.

– Hannah Van Sickle, The Arizona 100

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The Arizona 100

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